Monday, October 31, 2005

deleted comments

the deleted comments were Spam, not censored.

Life is wonderful in NoVA - 70's and sunny. i'm not sure why anyone would leave here for AZ.

If you hadn't heard, Mo is still in the area. I think she plans to be (head to) in AZ by the middle of Nov. she can fill you in on all the details.

Until i win the 160M lottery tomorrow night, there's no other news to report from here.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Worthy Limerick?

I missed the b-day party and i did not submit a limerick.

But i have one now:

There once was a young woman from Boston
Who used needles to start your adrenalin
She went by the rules
And boiled her tools
But in a pinch she’d sterilize with urine

Monday, October 24, 2005

Fall Guy

Use caution while climbing or you may find yourself in a freefall. Click and check it out. B

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Local Hero

"Local Hero" was, is andwill always be, a terrible movie.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Wet and wild Ride

I had a wet ride on saturday. 100 miles. Rain from start to finish. Aside from that Mrs. Lincoln, it was a good time.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Eileen's 50th!

Well, I think Eileen had a great time at her party yesterday!
Tons of her good, good friends were there. Among her family, Cathie, Mike, Evan, Martin, Annie, Erin and Sheila enjoyed spending the afternoon with her.
The cake and multiple desserts were a big hit.
Interesting photo - notice that most guests are smiling at Eileen - but those two fellas from Maine seem more interested in the cake!