Thanksgiving Day - 2006
We had a wonderful day her in New Hampshire. It was a bit wet on Thursday but since then we've had blue skies and sunshine.
Fairly relaxing - although a mixture of soccer games (indoor) and horse stuff (riding and mucking) have kept the girls busy.
Today, Sunday, Annie is riding (!) in the woods with Erin, Sheila is working on a school assingment (!) and I'm readying for a post-turkey leftovers grocery store fun :-(
Here's a few shots we captured from Thursday.
Cheers! Martin
Martin, did you shoot that turkey?
looks like you did. Remember the year that you cooked one and forgot to take out the package with the neck and organs inside? Yummy!
We had a Danny Wegman's pre-cooked turkey breast. Never again!
Brendan cooked and cleaned all weekend: the perfect guest.
John set a record by watching 3 football games on saturday.
Brian's bus trip from DC to Syracuse lasted 14 hours! We revived him with Brendan's stir-fry curry, fruit salad and chocolate milk.
I watched the worst movie ever: "Iron Island," from Iran.
Brendan showed us how to get sub-titles on British movies, so we understood the dialect in "Gosford Park" for the 1st time.
JJM and I are not quite the Old Old, but we sure are out of the loop, techie-wise.
Today - life as usual. We sure miss all of you. Je vous aime Mom/Oma
Sheila - Gene Simmons called. He wants his tongue back :-}
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