Dec 20, 2006 **** We lost a wonderful friend today. Mookie suddenly became quite ill yesterday and it turns out he was suffering internally from some pretty serious cancer. At the end of a long day the four of us were with him at our Vet's office and held onto him while he was put to sleep.
We don't have to tell you what a great dog he was. You all got a chance to know him. He'll be impossible to replace - although young Mango is trying his best!
Enough for now - enjoy the holidays - hug your pets - and each other!
The nhmurrays
So sorry to hear the news. Mookie was such a great dog with character! I know you have a lot of great memories of times together.
Keep them close to your heart.
We are thinking of you, Clare and Mike
Hey guys, we are so sorry to hear your news. What a great and special dog he was. Elizabeth went to bed (after a wonderful night at the Cheetah Girls concert) crying pretty hard. She was so sad for you, as are we all. We lost a beloved pet last year and he was only with us six months. We know there will be a big hole in your hearts.
I am so glad you have so many pictures of him - they will help in the times to come.
love ya,
Meg, Ivan, Sarah, Max and Wiz
Hi guys,
So sorry to hear about your loss. Mookie was a wonderful dog who greeted life's trials and tribulations with a calm sereness that was very admirable. Here's a little poem I found that I offer in his memory...
Tribute To A Best Friend
Sunlight streams through window pane
unto a spot on the floor....
then I remember,
it's where you used to lie,
but now you are no more.
Our feet walk down a hall of carpet,
and muted echoes sound....
then I remember,
It's where your paws would joyously abound.
A voice is heard along the road,
and up beyond the hill,
then I remember it can't be yours....
your golden voice is still.
But I'll take that vacant spot of floor
and empty muted hall
and lay them with the absent voice
and unused dish along the wall.
I'll wrap these treasured memorials
in a blanket of my love
and keep them for my best friend
until we meet above.
Author Unknown
There once was a dog named mookie
Whose taste in foods was quite fluky
While he was blamed for disappearing butter
He’d howl “Not this dog, must’ve been another”
But truth we’d find later in his dookie
Author Known
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