And I am trying to do some of the things that I have not done and see some of the sites I had not yet seen.
Now done: The zoo.
I spent most of a chilly autumn the weather has changed to `normal` for this time of year, which means cold temps)afternoon at the zoo in Buenos Aires. (I hate to say it, but I do not know if it is the national zoo or the Buenos Aires zoo.)
I had a good time hanging out with some beings who often had less sense than I.
The zoo is much like other zoos, animals on display behind cages, except that if you could reach it (leaning as far across the railing as you could) you could pet it or could feed it. Sometimes you did not have to lean across the railings as some animals roamed freely about the zoo. And every so often, you would come across one or two of the thousands of wild housecats that roam this city.
Aside from those things, it is just like any other zoo.
One complaint I have is the lack of signage. There was one animal,it appeared to be part kangaroo, part rabbit, part hare and maybe part cat. These creatures were all over the zoo and did not pay much mind as you walked near them. They were no big fans of the animal food I tried to feed them - unlike the little monkey-like animals (some of whom appeared to be quite excited to get the food) and the muskrats who showed great respect when you had some food bits to share.
FYI, the Ugly Duckling of your childhood books resides in the Buenos Aires zoo, along with his ugly family.
Here is my day:
Do You Know Me?
(Note: having picture posting issues. To be attached later)
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