thinking about nicknames as i watch the jumpy stream of bruins v bruins
obviously i'm cheering for the belmount bruins
who were holding their own till i switched to the xu game
just checked back and the bruins are down 32
they aren't the only bears
california has the golden bears
not to be confused with montana grizzlies
i'd say the #5 wolfpack know who they are now
not to be confused with the #10 wolfpack of north carolina
the bruins are not the only species to go after themselves
second round we could have wildcats play each other
and if the wildcats win, they would have to play...
the wildcats in the fourth round
that is if the wildcats can get past the
panthers, tigers, jaguars, and more panthers
all in that region
third round could see huskies battle
that is if the huskies can get past the great danes
we have a few dogs in this tourney
and i'm not talking about air force (how did they get in)
we have bulldogs, great danes and my favorite the salukis
an ancient dog out of egypt
usually tan, white, or fawn
the Bedouin tribe believed the white patch on its forehead
was a kiss from allah
regionals could see golden eagles go at each other
or seahawks against hawkeyes,
boy would feathers fly in those games
they of course are not the only birds
hiker mike could have a field day
with an elite eight of
seahawks, eagles,hawkeyes, golden eagles, jayhawks, eagles, falcons, and
2 more golden eagles
other regional action could have the blue devils against the demons
only if the demons can get past the quakers
if the hoyas can get past the sooners and the illini
they could play the hoosiers as long as the gaels don't take the semi final
big east fans were probably shocked to see seton hall fall
hence wichita state's name
it could be the racers against the shockers
if they get past the patriots and the volunteers
but first murray state has to beat the tarheels
what the hell is a tarheel
is the mascot the tar or the heel
we could see a finals pitting the aggies
against the aggies
or the patriots against the colonials
me, i'm wishing the golden flashes
can beat the golden eagles and the golden bears
to face the racers
who beat the shockers, blazers, and badgers to get there
truly some of the greats didn't make the tourney this year
think of the battle of the bananna slugs against the anteaters
or the jumbos against the mastodons
(i think we had an uncle or two that were jumbos)
or even the dirt bags against the lord jeffs
(some of my sibs know the lord jeffs from the happy valley)
or how about the chokers against the artichokes
if only the orange had to play the poets,
we might have another national championship
go orange