Wednesday, April 19, 2006


I was pleased when I heard the name of the winner of the Pulitzer, thinking it was the book I gave you, (Brendan), for Xmas - The March. So I ordered the CD version from the library.
Then, on the Leherer News Hour, the winning book turned out to be March, which I had never heard of.
Petit branch library had a copy - so I went and picked it up. It's all about the father of the family in Little Women - his Civil War experiences. His name of course was Mr March (or was he a Reverend?).
But Doctorow's March won the Nat'l Book Award - so I'll listen to it while driving. I just finished listening to "Harry Truman,"by McCollough (sic) and it was one of the best I've ever heard. Overlooking his ordering the atomic bombing (which is difficult to do), the rest of his life is fascinating. And compared to the present occupant of the White House, Truman was a prize.
I recommend the CDs or the book to any&every one.
Now I'll see if this makes it to the blog site. - I'll click on Publish Post. nsm

Thursday, April 13, 2006

gimmie the gas

In NoVa, we're paying $2.75/gal for regular unleaded - that's about S$ 1.19/liter.

I imagine we'll be over $3 during the summer. if a storm hits, we'll probably see 3.50.

i'd like to think the high prices would make me change my ways but they don't. i don't get out on the bike to run errands as often as i should.

my office is not too convenient for bike commuting but i may try it anyway. i'll have to get up earlier so i can get to the office, hot and sweaty, prior to the crowds coming in.


ho hum

just trying again to post on this blog; my last one never appeared.
Quite cold and very windy downtown early this morning. Kathleen was still in her sleeping bag on the cot and Elana had gone home just to shower and change clothes.
I brought the poster that hung across the window on the front porch for a zillion years - Peace on Earth - and left it at the vigil site.
Since it's Holy Thursday, I went to St Andrew and got a few hosts so they could have their own modified liturgy tonight.
Several of the soldiers who work in the Federal bldg stop by every day to say hello.
It's all very surreal.
I send each reader my warmest regards and many blessings, nsm

Monday, April 10, 2006

Whose side of the family...?

We're still trying to figure that out!

Spring in New Hampshire!

Hi all... It's still in the 20's at night - brrr... But the days are finally beginning to warm up! Here's a shot of some recent visitors (4/9) to our humble abode, including Evan's friend Kristen (she's terrific!).

palm sunday

The day began with a great liturgy and then a special blessing for Frank Woolever who leaves for federal prison tomorrow. Meme and Heidi were included in the blessing and wrapped with Frank in a red stole.
Afterwards, while still munching on treats downstairs at church, Clare arrived and she and I took off for Cortland State, sharing memories of many trips while she was at the college. The most memorable being the day I engaged 'cruise control' on a hill near LaFayette - and the next thing we knew, we were going 85 mph!!!!! Something had gone awry in the 'control.'
We arrived on time to enjoy a great production and performance of "The Mikado," our favorite Gilbert & Sullivan. Wonderful music, great acting and singing. Clare wished that there had been shows like that when she was there, but I had enjoyed going to all her choral concerts. All the trips back home on those nights had been thru either fog or snow, as I recall. I still have the brownie points I earned!!!! That's it for a wondrous sunny sunday in central n.y. mom

Friday, April 07, 2006

earlier blog - april 7th

where did it go? I wrote a note and posted it but it didn't show up on the blog page. Part of it can be found by clicking search blogs (or something like that).
I should give up posting except on comments. Oh well . . . nsm


Last nite we took Brian and Jackie out for his b'day dinner (April 6th). Clare and Mike met us at The Little Thai restaurant.: not a good choice for B. or J. I'm sorry to say.
This was the first b'day that Maureen wasn't with him; it's hard to let the youngest fly away.

Next week Elizabeth turns nine on the same day as the Seder this year - April 12th.
We're celebrating at Bassano's ------- a whole bunch of us friends have done the Seder supper for almost 20 years. I bring my famous brisket, cooked in beer.

We're eating out with O'Neils and Volos on Easter - at Elderberry Pond - a country inn near Auburn: a nice ride if it's a nice day. Right now it's still cold up here; spring lasted about one week.

That's all from Circle addio, Mom

Monday, April 03, 2006

Easter Time

Val Cav sent me this pic. I didn't see a ransom note attached but i'm sure one is on the way.