Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Turkey Day

I spent my second Turkey Day in Singapore. I wish I remember what I weighed last year so I could compare with 2009.

I can compare a week ago Sunday with today (Tuesday) and I find I gained about 3 kg. If you know your metric, then you know I seem to have put on 6+ pounds in a bit over a week.


It may have to do with me wanting to make sure that we did not have too much food left over after a great meal.

And what a meal it was!

While my bro is fairly smart and, more often than not, he seems good at math. When it came to ordering dinner for 24 people, he thought 20kg of turkey should...nearly...do the trick. And just in case it didn't, we had 4kg of ham!

And what turkey day would be complete without some mashed 'taters, string beans with almonds, yams, salad, and...my favorite... jellied cranberry sauce - can't stand that 'with real berries' stuff.

Nothing but the real deal for me.

And because I try not to be a rude guy (although some may argue), I made sure that I sampled at least one portion of the desserts brought by the guests. It just wouldn't be right for the brother of the host to not eat what others brought.

Somehow a little turkey, some carrot cake and cranberry sauce turned into 6 pounds.

Never mind. It will soon be new year and I can resolve to live a healthier life.

Sure I could start on the new life today but I'm of the mindset - why do today what can certainly be put off until tomorrow (or next month, as the case may be).

I started a 90 day exercise program some time ago. While the first day hurt me more than any 1 hour time period had hurt in quite some time, I was anxious to see how my body could be transformed in only 3 months.

Well, I only have 89 days to go in the program. I have thoughts about starting again at 90. we'll see.

I hope to post some pics soon.

bjm 01 Dec 09

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Too Long

It's been much too long since my last posting.  I was thrown off after my last post, in which I had mentioned my present company's name.  As I think I mentioned, they hire a service to flag all the mentions of their name in the wild world of the internet.  I am glad I did not say any negative words about the Company.

It is early August and I am right where I should be - the shores of Lake Ontario.  In a typical summer, I'd be coming down from Teddy's Island.  In this case, I am coming from Singapore.  While the journey was a bit longer this year, the destination is the same - family, fun and food.  And by "food" I do refer to frozen custard.

The cool air and the bathtub-like pool are quite a nice change from the island I currently call home.  Of the things I miss while living in Singapore, it is often the cool weather and the low humidity. I could probably live without the change of seasons - although I miss autumn terribly - but the humidity and the heat do take some getting used to.  And 10+ months in....I am not quite used to the combination of the two.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Becca Update

   We're still working on our website/access issues on our blog, so in the meantime I thought I'd post some recent pics and a video of Becca here.  

Becca has grown and changed so much lately!  She smiles and coos and can follow faces and wiggly fingers with her eyes.  (Unfortunately I'm too slow to catch the smiles with the camera, but hopefully I'll get quicker and/or the smiles will last longer.)  Our pediatrician proclaimed that she is "perfect" at our last visit.  My response was "Of course!"  :)  

Monday, May 04, 2009

Sheila's Confirmation

Sheila and friend Taylor Grip, with Father Steve - May 4, 2009. Sheila and Taylor were born within two weeks of each other and were Baptized together, received First Communion together, and now Confirmation.
Talk about a lifelong friend!
And, you were all there with us!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Haiku - dah winners!

Hi all ... I invited you to create a NH-centric haiku focusing on our devastating Dec '08 ice storm.
This was part of a contest at PSNH...
There were two winners declared.
I am pasting in, below, the two winners ... as well as the 'honorary mentions'

Some of the initials/addresses may be familiar to you! (NSM: I'll forward your prize to you! I.M.: I laugh out loud every time I read yours. Apparently it didn't win over the judges!)

Winning Haikus

icestorm surgery

leaves trees with splintered scars and

amputated limbs

- Alice Mullen, Manchester, NH

Snow seemed sweet at first -

Stayed too long and stole our warmth

Like unfriendly guests

- N.S.M., Syracuse, NY

Honorable Mention Poems

An Historic storm

Working many extra hours

Odd Christmas this year

- Rebecca Bouley, PSNH

Limbs wires ice entombed

Gravity wrestled they fall

We work to restore

- Paul Hausmann, PSNH

Darkness fell on all

Lights were out at the mall

Line Crews answered call

- Dottie Kennedy, PSNH

Cold is our home now

Help coming from near & far

This warms our hearts here!

- Diane Laliberte, PSNH

The old Grinch may smile

Christmas could be dark & cold

But faith still lives here!

- Diane Laliberte, PSNH

Trucks from near and far

Not long could ice grinch survive

Gifts of Christmas lights.

- Phyllis Lavigne, PSNH

Down comes ice, limbs, peace

Out goes skilled warriors of hope

Up rises bright joy.

- John MacDonald, PSNH

Cold snow soft, heavy

Branches crash wires drooping low --

Neighbors warm our hearts.

- C.A.M., Hallowell, ME

Rainfall I can take;

Ice falling, if I have to;

Wires? Not so much.

- I.M., Fairfield, CT

Autumn wore snowshoes

A scarf and long underwear:

Frozen pipes at dawn

- N.S.M, Syracuse, NY

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

A.M. Tea and P.M. Soda

That is my day during the first week of work. After 16 months of not having much of a schedule, I am readjusting to life as a working man. The caffeine is needed to fuel (i.e. start) my engine during this transition back to work.

Week one has been uneventful. I expect the job to be similar to my job – negotiating, reading and writing contracts. However, the internal teams for whom I’ll be doing the work will be different. At Primus, I worked with the wholesale team; I’ll be working with the retail team here.

There are 20 or so people in my company's legal department and 6 of us are located in Singapore. The majority of the team is in Hong Kong, at company headquarters. My boss told me that they may send me to HK next month, for a few days, to meet the rest of the team and see how they operate.

My days may be long ones here. I have a 10 minute walk to take a direct bus to work, about 30 minutes, office hours 9-6 but I’ll be expected to be here until 7 or so, then a 50 minute bus ride home and another 10 minute walk. Once I get home, i’ll shovel food in my mouth, sleep and then start the whole thing over again.

We’ll see how it all works out.With the economy as it is, I am fortunate to have found a good job. I do know that.

Friday, January 30, 2009

And how do you call this man in Africa?

"Some call me 'Mr. Nice Guy', others call me 'a real jerk'. Many say I am real fly, but some just go beserk. Mostly though, they really say 'You see that there man? That there's "Mr. Two-a-Day'" because I spend so much time on the can."

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama considers candidate for 'Blog Czar'

I'm just praying there's no background check!

It's Twitterific!

Below, a video focused on some of what I do. Could be a real conversation killer...
On the other hand, I could be selling life insurance!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

A walk in the woods...

Just back from a hike in the town forest! A Beautiful day. Temps in mid 20's lots of sun. What could be finer!?
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