Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Haiku - dah winners!

Hi all ... I invited you to create a NH-centric haiku focusing on our devastating Dec '08 ice storm.
This was part of a contest at PSNH...
There were two winners declared.
I am pasting in, below, the two winners ... as well as the 'honorary mentions'

Some of the initials/addresses may be familiar to you! (NSM: I'll forward your prize to you! I.M.: I laugh out loud every time I read yours. Apparently it didn't win over the judges!)

Winning Haikus

icestorm surgery

leaves trees with splintered scars and

amputated limbs

- Alice Mullen, Manchester, NH

Snow seemed sweet at first -

Stayed too long and stole our warmth

Like unfriendly guests

- N.S.M., Syracuse, NY

Honorable Mention Poems

An Historic storm

Working many extra hours

Odd Christmas this year

- Rebecca Bouley, PSNH

Limbs wires ice entombed

Gravity wrestled they fall

We work to restore

- Paul Hausmann, PSNH

Darkness fell on all

Lights were out at the mall

Line Crews answered call

- Dottie Kennedy, PSNH

Cold is our home now

Help coming from near & far

This warms our hearts here!

- Diane Laliberte, PSNH

The old Grinch may smile

Christmas could be dark & cold

But faith still lives here!

- Diane Laliberte, PSNH

Trucks from near and far

Not long could ice grinch survive

Gifts of Christmas lights.

- Phyllis Lavigne, PSNH

Down comes ice, limbs, peace

Out goes skilled warriors of hope

Up rises bright joy.

- John MacDonald, PSNH

Cold snow soft, heavy

Branches crash wires drooping low --

Neighbors warm our hearts.

- C.A.M., Hallowell, ME

Rainfall I can take;

Ice falling, if I have to;

Wires? Not so much.

- I.M., Fairfield, CT

Autumn wore snowshoes

A scarf and long underwear:

Frozen pipes at dawn

- N.S.M, Syracuse, NY