Friday, January 30, 2009

And how do you call this man in Africa?

"Some call me 'Mr. Nice Guy', others call me 'a real jerk'. Many say I am real fly, but some just go beserk. Mostly though, they really say 'You see that there man? That there's "Mr. Two-a-Day'" because I spend so much time on the can."

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama considers candidate for 'Blog Czar'

I'm just praying there's no background check!

It's Twitterific!

Below, a video focused on some of what I do. Could be a real conversation killer...
On the other hand, I could be selling life insurance!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

A walk in the woods...

Just back from a hike in the town forest! A Beautiful day. Temps in mid 20's lots of sun. What could be finer!?
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