Wednesday, May 17, 2006

And Noah said . . .

Whoa! Those waters are awesome - and frightening. Not the time to go rafting. I wonder how many domestic and wild creatures got swept away. I won't ask Eileen; she'll be out on the highways and byways looking for them.
We escaped with just a few showers, but enough clear days for Clare to buy out the entire crop of pansies and plant them here on Mother's day. My kitchen windowsill is a still-life watercolor: pansies primping and preening.
I hope that flood is the end of bad weather for the summer yet to come, but it hasn't warmed up here. Think of Maureen ------ it was 104 degrees the other day!
Thanks for the glimpse into Spring in New England. That's a title for a poem for Sheila to write.

From Central New York - 3 Seasons-in-one-day Paradise, nsm

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