Monday, May 04, 2009

Sheila's Confirmation

Sheila and friend Taylor Grip, with Father Steve - May 4, 2009. Sheila and Taylor were born within two weeks of each other and were Baptized together, received First Communion together, and now Confirmation.
Talk about a lifelong friend!
And, you were all there with us!


Slippery Rock said...

Yes, I remember Sheila's baptism - wasn't it last week? It seems like that to me.
What a great photo! Both are so beautiful and they look so happy -
May their friendship continue thru all the years ahead: what a gift!

Do they get to claim a name? I sent Sheila the saga of my Confirmation day and the name I was given.
Til the weekend! love, nance

Slippery Rock said...

I'll try again

Sheila you look great and to have a lifelong friend is wonderful
We wish we could have been with you in person but know that we were there in spirit
And so, your journey continues...