Thursday, October 16, 2008

Have a seat

...but not in Singapore.

Sean mentioned it to me and I have begun to notice myself - there are very few places for the public to sit in Singapore. The city is like one big casino - they always want you moving or at one of the "tables", i.e., stores.

There are restaurants and cafes with outdoor seating, of course. But you don't see benches along the street or along the water or even in the park across the way.

I wandered around a 2 story mall today. (It may be 3 stories but I seemed to stay on just 2 of the floors). It is not huge mall but there are more than 50 stores. I only saw one place where people could sit that was not part of a food establishment. And at that spot there are 3 benches with 3 seats each. If you are tired but you're at the other end of the mall, you have to walk a ways to the benches or buy some food at one of the restaurants.

Maybe one reason people tend to be thin here is that there is no where to stop and rest your weary feet.

bjm 10-16-08

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